
Lawn Mowing in North Texas

Proper mowing height of your lawn in North Texas.
Image Credit – grinny/

When you ask someone about lawn mowing in North Texas you might get a lot of different answers. The reason would be that each person may have different turf grass. People in North Texas may have Common Bermuda, Hybrid Bermuda, Zoysia, St. Augustine, and even Tall Fescue. Within these types of grass, there are varieties that may need to be treated differently. North Texas turf grass is well adapted to frequent mowing, and mowing weekly in North Texas is usually required during the summer months.

Mowing too short will reduce the vigor by reducing the ability to manufacture food and energy. Current standards suggest between 2 and 3.75 inches. Set the mowing height at 1 to 2 inches for Common bermuda grass and 1/2 to 11/2 inches for hybrid varieties Higher cut lawn grasses are more heat and cold stress tolerant. There is a direct correlation between cutting height and the amount of roots a grass plant can maintain. Lowering the mowing height reduces the root system which restricts the ability of the grass to absorb water and nutrients.

Lawn Mowing in North Texas – Proper Mowing Height

A general rule of thumb in horticulture is not to remove more than one-third of the total leaf surface of a plant. This also applies when mowing your lawn. Depending on the weather, irrigation, and the grass type, you may need to mow your lawn every 4-5 days, but it could go 2 weeks. Here are some recommended mowing heights: Common Bermuda 1.5″-2.5″ Hybrid Bermuda 0.5″-1.5″ St. Augustine 2.5″-4.0″ Zoysia 0.75″-2.5″

The key to a quality cut with any style mower is to use a sharp, well adjusted mower. Dull, poorly adjusted equipment tears rather than cuts the grass, leaving a ready site for disease invasion and giving the lawn a frayed, brownish look. Varying the mowing direction from time to time can reduce wear patterns.

A common misconception is that clippings left on the lawn will promote thatch buildup. This is not true. Clippings do not make significant contributions to thatch and should be returned to the lawn whenever possible. These leaves contain mostly water and break down rapidly, releasing nutrients back into the system. If you need a referral for mowing, give us a call. We work with proven professionals in the area and can recommend someone that will work with us to maintain your lawn as healthy as possible.

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Lawn Care Services You Can Trust

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Lawn Fertilization

Provide your grass with the essential nutrients it needs to thrive with our lawn fertilization services. Your grass will grow stronger and healthier.

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Weed Control

Our proven weed control service targets invasive weed species without harming your grass, helping create a beautiful, weed-free landscape.

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Turf Insect Control

Protect your grass from lawn-damaging insects with turf insect treatments that are perfectly timed to treat insects before they hatch and damage your lawn.

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Lawn Aeration

Create the ideal conditions for your lawn with lawn aeration in the spring and fall. Let water, nutrients and air reach the roots for a lush lawn.

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Lawn Disease Treatment

From brown patches and dollar spot to powdery mildew and rust, you can count on us to eliminate common lawn diseases.

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Tree & Shrub Care

Well-timed fertilization treatments that target common pests and diseases will ensure your ornamental trees and shrubs are healthy and robust.

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