
What Lawn Care Services Does Dormant Grass Need?

Tarrant County lawn care for dormant grass.
Image Credit – Green Top Lawn Care

During cold winter months, grass enters a dormant state to conserve energy and survive harsh conditions. But despite what many believe, dormancy isn’t the time to stop weed control and prevention steps. In fact, working with a professional lawn care service can ensure your lawn is ready to thrive when spring arrives. Here are some top lawn care recommendations for dormant grass in Tarrant County.

The Best Lawn Care Services for Dormant Grass

A lawn care professional can advise you on the appropriate techniques for your particular type of grass and local conditions. The following are some of the most reliable methods for helping your dormant grass to maintain its health during winter.

Watering and Mowing

Watering is generally unnecessary for dormant grass unless there is a prolonged drought during winter. Residents can prepare for dormancy by mowing as needed in late fall before the grass stops growing, ensuring it’s at an optimal height to avoid winter stress. It’s also important to periodically remove leaves, branches, and other unwanted yard waste that could cause thatch buildup and encourage pests.

Weed Control Treatment

Weeds can quickly take over a lawn, using vital nutrients during the lawn’s dormant period. A professional lawn care service will tackle problem weeds such as chickweed and henbit, helping your lawn return to great shape during spring. Pre-emergent and post-emergent herbicides are options to prevent and treat weeds.

Lawn Fertilization

Carefully timed fertilization in late fall, before dormancy, can provide your soil with essential nutrients for the winter months. Fertilizing during dormancy is generally not recommended, as grass will not absorb nutrients during this period. However, a potassium-based fertilizer can be beneficial in some cases. Testing the soil’s nutrient levels ensures the right pH balance for growth when the growing season returns.

Pest Management

Grubs and other lawn pests are typically less active during the cold months when grass is dormant. However, damage caused by grubs earlier in the year may become more noticeable during dormancy when the grass cannot recover. For effective control, lawn care professionals recommend treating grubs in late summer or early fall when they are actively feeding near the soil surface.

Limit Access to the Lawn

Frequent walking across the grass or storing heavy items on the lawn can lead to soil compaction. When soil becomes compacted the nutrients have a difficult time reaching the roots, potentially damaging the lawn’s health. By minimizing access to the lawn you can avoid causing unnecessary damage to dormant grass.

Monitor for Lawn Diseases

Lawn diseases like brown patch can appear during the cooler, wetter months, particularly in mild winter conditions. When a lawn is completely dormant, however, and all the grass appears brown, it can be difficult to visually detect the presence of fungus. Regular inspections during transitional seasons – when grass is not fully dormant – are crucial to catching early symptoms.

When a professional identifies signs of disease, targeted lawn care services like high-grade fungicides can prevent severe damage to dormant grass. Regular lawn inspections can also catch the early symptoms of any issues, allowing quicker treatment and reducing the risk of widespread lawn damage.

Best Lawn Care Services in Tarrant County

Green Top Lawn Care provides innovative weed control and lawn management services for homes in Tarrant County and beyond. To discuss our customized lawn care solutions for dormant grass, contact our team today. Call (817) 684-4044 or request a free lawn care quote.

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Experience the Green Top Lawn Care difference with first-rate lawn care treatments. Using only the best lawn care products and preventive solutions, we transform patchy grass, stubborn weeds and weakened roots into a healthy, vibrant landscape.

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Lawn Care Services You Can Trust

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