
Most Common Lawn Diseases Affecting North Texas

by | Aug 20, 2024 | Lawn Disease Tips

Tarrant County lawn diseases.

Image Credit – Green Top Lawn Care

Each year, North Texas lawns face persistent threats from sources like insect damage and fungal infections. For local Tarrant County homeowners, implementing lawn disease control is often the difference between patchy turf and lush green grass. If you want to prevent a dull, dry and withered lawn, learning about common lawn diseases can help you stay ahead of the problem.

What Lawn Diseases Impact North Texas Homeowners?

While many lawn diseases can affect residents of North Texas, there are some common problems that stand out. If you are dealing with any of the following diseases, a lawn care professional can tackle the root of the issue and restore your turf to its finest condition.

Take-All Root Rot

Take-all root rot is a disease most likely to affect St. Augustine and Bermuda grasses. Recognizable by its yellow and brown patches of thinning grass, if left untreated it can spread to large parts of the lawn.

Gray Leaf Spot

Caused by the Pyricularia grisea fungus, gray leaf spot disease first appears as small dark spots on grass blades. These spots gradually enlarge and can kill larger areas of the lawn, typically during warm, humid weather.

Brown Patch

Brown patch is a turfgrass disease usually caused by the Rhizoctonia solani fungus. As a highly prevalent issue, brown patch’s trademark circular brown and yellow patches are widely recognized across North Texas. Fighting brown patch disease in your lawn requires dedicated fungicides.

Dollar Spot

Dollar spot is a fungal disease affecting turfgrasses like Bermuda and Zoysia. This condition causes small areas of dead grass about the size of a dollar. While most common in spring and fall, it can occur during humid periods throughout the year.

Pythium Blight

Pythium blight is identified by greasy patches that turn brown. This fungal disease is common on well-maintained lawns, and can quickly spread to cause significant damage. Treatment options include making improvements to drainage and targeted fungicide treatment.

Fairy Ring

Fairy ring disease affects all types of turfgrass, causing circular rings of dark green and dying grass. Mushrooms can also grow in the circular area. Aeration is an important technique for preventing the disease.

Spring Dead Spot

Spring dead spot is a fungal disease that affects Bermuda grass, and is common in areas with poor drainage. As lawns start to grow in the spring, circular patches of dead grass may become visible.

Powdery Mildew

Powdery mildew is a type of fungus that results in a white powdery coating on grass blades. Typically caused by a lack of sunlight and poor air circulation, lawn care services like irrigation and fungicide applications are effective treatment options.

Comprehensive Lawn Disease Treatment in North Texas

If your turf is experiencing signs of common diseases, speak with the lawn care experts at Green Top Lawn Care. We offer fast-acting solutions for many issues to support a healthy, vibrant lawn. Call (817) 684-4044 or get a free lawn care quote today.

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